The Rossland Refactory is meant to be a focal point for the community. Its main purpose will be to make products that are sold locally from community waste and provide a cooperative workspace for members of the community to design, create and make items out of recycled and renewable materials. We are part of the Precious Plastic community (
This will reduce the carbon footprint of the community through reduced transportation of waste and recycled products. All the money generated from waste recycled by the Rossland Refactory will stay within the community. In conjunction with the Selkirk Technology Access Centre (STAC) it will provide the technology and expertise for local entrepreneurs to develop new products from recycled waste. The arts community will have a place where they can produce art from recycled materials. Thanks to the generous support of local businesses and community members the Rossland Refactory is becoming a reality.

CBC Interview with Craig DeLong

>30hrs volunteering

  • Craig Broadhurst
  • Craig DeLong
  • Cody Klingbeil
  • Mike Tench


Rethink – We are rethinking the way waste is recycled. Collecting and producing product locally removes the carbon footprint of transportation of raw and processed material and products.
Repurpose – We are repurposing shipping containers in our building design.
Recycle – We are recycling 100% of the waste collected and turning it to products that are sold locally.
Reuse – Most of the shelving and furniture within our building will not be purchased new. Some of the material used in building our machines is from scrap yards or the Restore.
Repair – We are repairing an existing shredder.
Rot – We will have a large drum composter at our facility to compost community organic waste and use it to grow vegetables on site.
Reduce – The amount of wasted raw material that is commonly associated with recycling will be reduced. We also will eliminate the fuel used in transportation of materials and products.

Strong Environmental Ethic

The environment comes first.

Community Based Solutions

Recycling waste locally reduces the environmental impacts of transportation and increases economic benefits to the community.

Systems Thinking

Coordinating each phase of the recycling process to reduce unnecessary wasted energy and effort.

House numbers $8 each plus $14 for mounting if desired

Rossland Refactory Ski Scraper $10.00

Email purchase request to Craig at